Listen to Graham Creed, Co-op Director, speaking on ABC Radio about all things Co-ops.

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2024 AGM notice to members

2024 AGM notice

Co-op Financial Reports

2023 Financial Report

2022 Financial Report

2023 Financial reports – signed
2022 Financial Report

2023 AGM Minutes

Co-op members survey - 2023

20223 and 2023 survey results

2023 AGM Notice

2021 Financial Report

2022 AGM Minutes

2022 AGM Notice

Dungog Co-op Newsletter by Sacha Anderson
Help us grow! We are building a bigger, better store at 205 Dowling Street!

If you can, join our fundraising campaign by making a contribution.

Together, we can continue to empower and connect Dungog through community owned fair food.

Thank you for supporting Dungog Wholefood Co-op's vision.

Contributions to help us grow
