This agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of an individual that has purchased a membership in the Dungog Wholefood Co-operative (DWC). 

Rights as a member of the DWC

  • Have one vote at general and other DWC meetings 
  • Receive adequate notice of meetings and information on ways that I can participate in the DWC’s governance
  • Be entitled to serve in the DWC’s operations and governance
  • Raise concerns or issues I identify with the DWC
  • Receive information about the DWC’s financial status and other important processes or decisions (e.g. resolutions). 
  • Receive patronage rebated in accordance with my use of the DWC
  • Expect that DWC will maintain a transparent and efficient system of decision-making that is inclusive of the membership and supportive of the values, mission and vision of the DWC
  • Expect that DWC operations will be conducted, through the board or staff in the best interest of the DWC and its members
  • Expect that their financial contribution will be used effectively and responsibly
  • Be entitled to redeem their shares in the event of leaving the DWC

Responsibilities as a member of the DWC

  • Participate in the governance of the DWC through attendance of general meetings, voting on decisions, asking questions, and participating on boards and committees
  • Support the values, mission, vision, and goals of the DWC
  • Adhere to the policies and procedures of the DWC set out in the organisational documents and created by the board
  • Support the DWC’s operations by using its services or contributing to the delivery of services
  • Support the capitalisation of the DWC by making a financial contribution (annual membership at a minimum.
Help us grow! We are building a bigger, better store at 205 Dowling Street!

If you can, join our fundraising campaign by making a contribution.

Together, we can continue to empower and connect Dungog through community owned fair food.

Thank you for supporting Dungog Wholefood Co-op's vision.

Contributions to help us grow
